Ellen Cerniglia, Ed.D

Associate Professor, Education & Special Education

Graduate School of Education

Areas of Expertise

Early childhood, online teaching


Ellen Cerniglia is an associate professor of education at the Touro College Graduate School of Education. She received her Master of Arts in an individualized program with a focus in the arts and education at the Gallatin School of Individualized Study at New York University, and her doctorate in interdisciplinary studies at Teachers College Columbia University, focusing on early childhood and the arts. She is a New York state certified teacher, holding certificates in early childhood, students with disability in early childhood, music and theater, and has served as a preschool administrator, teacher and director for more than ten years. Professor Cerniglia has been published several times in the Journal Young Children, presented in national conferences, and is on the board of and active with the NYC Association for the Education of Young Children.


Cerniglia, E. (2014). Implementing Research-Based Curricula in Pre-K through 3rd Grade Classrooms: Take a Lesson from the Way We Teach Young children in Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on First, Second, and Third Grades. Copple, C., Bredekamp, S., Koralek, D. and Charner, K. (eds).

Cerniglia. E. (2013). Musical Play in Early Childhood Classrooms: Taking it one step further. Young Children, NAEYC, 68 (5), 68-73

Cerniglia, E. (2012). Implementing Research-Based Curricula in Pre-K through 3rd Grade Classrooms: Take a Lesson from the Way We Teach Young Children. Young Children, NAEYC, 67 (5), 72-75.

Cerniglia, E. (2011). Modeling Best Practice through Online Learning: Building Relationships. Young Children, NAEYC, 66 (3), 54-59.

Cerniglia, E. (2006). Artistic beginnings: A case study of everyday arts usage in one preschool’s classrooms. Teachers College Columbia University.